The Chairmen and the Local Organization Team are glad to invite you to the 6th CIRP Conference on Biomanufacturing BioM. It will be held in Dresden, Germany from June 11 – 13, 2024.
Initiated by CIRP in 2013 the BioM Conference has developed into the world’s leading forum to discuss progress and future directions, set milestones and promote scientific exchange on biodesign, biofabrication and biomechatronics.
The BioM Conference 2024 is headed “Future Production. Driven by Nature”. Experts from academia as well as industry will meet to discuss novel solutions, latest research findings and visionary ideas addressing biologically inspired processes and products in manufacturing, biological transformation and biointelligence. Futhermore, artificial intelligence and digital methods that will promote the transfer of biological principles into technosphere will be topics of the conference.
Following the high-level stations of the CIRP Conference on Biomanufacturing BioM in Tokyo (2013), Manchester (2015), Chicago (2017), Guangzhou (2019) and Calabria (2022) it is an honor for us to welcome you in Dresden 2024.
The CIRP Conference on BioManufacturing is the world-leading forum to discuss progress and future directions, set milestones and promote scientific exchange on biodesign, biofabrication and biomechatronics.